Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Solutions To Stop Overfishing

Overfishing is hard to stop, but there are many solutions to help stop it. One solution is you could reduce the limit of fish caught. Another could be to stop eating the fish that are in danger. Instead of eating tuna or any other endangered species of fish try a eating a fish thats not in danger. Lastly you could also avoid fishing in areas were there are many little fish. If you do that the fish would grow and reproduce which will lessen the cause of its species extinction. These are some solutions we could do to stop overfishing.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who does overfishing affect? How does it affect us? Why we should care?

Overfishing affects Hawaii as well as the rest of the Pacific. How overfishing affects Hawaii and the rest of ther Pacific because it is a large part of the food we eat. Overfishing also affects Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific because if there are no fish it'll lead to more problems. It'll lead to more problems because if there are no fish it'll mean less food. If there are less food we will have to get imported food. Overfishing has a large effect on everyone in the Pacific.

We should care about overfishing because we are hurting our oceans. We are also hurting the balance of our ecosystems. Another reason we should care is because if we keep fishing then there will be no fish left for our future generations to eat. Once the fish are gone, the things that the fish eat will reproduce rapidly while the organisms that eat fish will become extinct beacause they have no fish left to eat. This is why we should care.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Problem Of Over-Fishing

There are many problems in Hawaii. One problem is Over fishing. Over Fishing is a problem everyone should be aware of. Over fishing is when fish are caught over the limit to where its population is below average. Overfishing causes an unbalanced ecosystem. If one species of fish die the whole ocean can die with it. Many people in Hawaii act like there is an endless supply of fish, but thats the thing there isnt. People in Hawaii are taking fish faster than we could replace them.